

  • The original summons, writ, or subpoena, signed and/or sealed by the clerk of court.
  • 传票、令状或传票副本一份.
  • One copy of the complaint or petition (if applicable) and any attachments.
  • A check or money order made out to the 利昂县警长’s Office for $40.00 for non-enforceable civil process (such as summons, subpoenas, etc.) or $90.00 for enforceable process (such as writs of possession or replevin). 有关费用的完整列表,请参阅 服务费用 下面的部分. 根据佛罗里达州法规,所有费用不予退还.

Your original paperwork will have a Sheriff’s return of service. All civil and criminal process served on 利县 cases are returned to the 利县 Clerk of Court. 我们不邮寄退货复印件. To check the status of your service, please check the court docket 在这里, or call our office at one of the numbers at the bottom of this p年龄. 对于非利昂县的案件, 请附上一张, self-addressed envelope to ensure our return of service and your original paperwork is returned to the correct address.


If you are serving the Insurance Commissioner / Department of 金融 Services, 以下规则适用:

  • The Department of 金融 Services has several divisions. Please contact them at (850) 413-3114 for proper addressing of your service of process.
  • The original summons, writ, or subpoena, signed and/or sealed by the clerk of court.
  • 传票、令状或传票副本两份.
  • One copy of the complaint or petition (if applicable) and any attachments.
  • If you are serving the Insurance Commissioner / Department of 金融 Services as 年龄nt for any type of governmental 年龄ncy, 不需要额外费用. If you are serving them as 年龄nt for an insurance company or other privately-owned business, 你需要附上15美元.00支票,收款人为送达人. This 费 is required by the Insurance Commissioner, Department of 金融 Services and we will serve it along with your paperwork.

If you are serving the Secretary of State as an 年龄nt, you will need to enclose an $8.75张支票的抬头人是国务卿. We will serve this check along with your paperwork.


The 费s for service of process are mandated by Florida Statute 30.231条,具体如下:

  • $40.00 for each summons, subpoena, order or writ to be served. If t在这里 are multiple defendants to be served, a $40.00 费 and a service packet as defined 在这里 is required for each defendant.
  • All enforceable writs except executions requiring seizure of persons or property: $50 除了 $40 费. 这包括占有令状和归还令状.
  • Civil orders of arrest (excluding writs of attachment for child support) require the $90.00 可执行的费用,以及额外的押金 $50.00 被告每天都要被监禁.
  • If you are serving the Insurance Commissioner / Department of 金融 Services or the Secretary of State, 请参阅 特殊服务 节以获取说明.
  • For the 费s associated with writs of execution and the levy process please click 在这里.

Please note that all Sheriff’s 费s are nonrefundable per Florida Statute
